Some Russian pages


I need a lot of practice to learn the correct Russian endings, so I have prepared these two pages with many exercises.

Exercises from Russian
I find this useful: I propose a Russian adjective and noun declined in a certain way and ask you to decline them in another case. Just finding the proposed case is quite interesting for me. The proposed case and the gender of the noun can be asked for as an aid.

Exercises from English
This is normal: I propose an adjective and a noun in English and ask you to decline them in Russian by proposing a case. The Russian singular nominative of both words can be asked for as an aid. If you find a particular case or a particular word with which you have difficulty, you can 'block' it.

For these exercises the words are always automatically chosen from a database with many words, so some slightly strange juxtapositions may happen, such as 'red mother' or 'fast hotel' but I did not want to program semantics😬, you will understand...

From the left bar you can select these exercises (and a pair of PDF with the most common endings).

Now I've added a page with some translations. I need them to improve my vocabulary, I certainly don't want to become a translator!😇

In case you find errors my email is also in the bar to the left.
(In any case, better a computer than a phone for these pages...).

Have fun!
